Housework columnother
vol.111( 2024年09月05日 公開)

Measures against stink bugs to start now

Due to the warm winter, there were many individuals that were able to survive the winter.、Stink bugs are occurring in large numbers this year as they were last year。
A large number of stink bugs fly from mountainous areas to orchards, etc.、There has been a lot of damage in various parts of the country。
We can't let our guard down even after autumn。Let's take measures from now on!

The peak of midsummer has passed、Little by little, the autumn-like and crisp season has arrived。Because it is easy to get sick at the change of seasons、Please love yourself。
When it gets cooler、It's wonderful to be able to feel the change of seasons from the sounds of insects。
Simply、While the sound of insects is tasteful,、The coming season will make us feel uncomfortable"Stink bug"You will also see a lot of them。

Stink bug、It can be found at most times of the year。They are especially active in spring and summer.、The most troublesome season in our lives is the season from now to autumn。
Stink bugs begin to seek a warm place in preparation for hibernation from around September, when the temperature begins to drop。Because there are more cases of stink bugs getting caught in laundry and invading the house、Particular attention will be required in the coming period。

What to do if you find it
Be careful when catching

What is important when catching stink bugs、How to capture without irritationare。Stink bugs emit a foul odor when they feel threatened.、If you use tissue or duct tape to capture、Stink bugsDon't crush itLet's be careful。

Create a trap

You can easily get rid of them with a trap。
How to make it、Cut off about the top third of the PET bottle、Insert it at the bottom so that the spout is upside down、Secure with tape。And、Add a few centimeters of dishwashing detergent inside and you're done。
If you find a stink bug、Gently bring the trap close to the stink bug and touch it lightly.、Drop it inside。
If you gently drop it with paper, it will fall into the plastic bottle more easily and without irritation。


What not to do

As mentioned above、To emit a foul odorNever get rid of them by hitting them or grabbing them hard。

Also、It is also not recommended to vacuum it up。
At first glance, I feel like sucking it up because my hands don't get dirty and I can get rid of them quickly.、It can emit a foul odor inside the vacuum cleaner、You may not be able to get rid of the unpleasant smell。
In case you inhale it、So that the smell does not get stuck、Dispose of vacuum cleaner dust bins and paper cartons immediately。

How to keep stink bugs at bay

Even if you get rid of it or let it escape、Stink bugs come to you right away and you don't have a problem。The most important thing to do in the fight against stink bugs is、Prevent intrusion、Be creative to keep them at bayare。

Be careful when loading laundry

In the coming season, when the temperature difference between day and night will increase,、Due to the increase in stink bugs stuck in the laundry、Care must be taken when importing。
Try to take it in early、Shake it off well before taking it in and make sure there are no stink bugs on it.Let's do it。

Place a plant with an odor that stink bugs dislike

Stink bugI don't like the scent of herbs。Above all、The mint scent is said to be particularly effective。
Gardens and verandas、Just by placing it at the entrance, it will be a countermeasure against stink bugs。


Use repellents

It is also effective to use repellents to prevent infestation。
That's where we recommend、Of the beetle repellentKamushiklin
Just spray it on window frames, screen doors, etc.、Even if there is a gap, stink bugs do not like the smell and prevent invasion!
Although the effect lasts for about 1 month、It may be shortened due to weather and other factors, so it is recommended to spray it regularly。

Preparing for the coming season when stink bugs will increase、Let's take measures as soon as possible!

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