Housework columntick
vol.102( Released on 2024.05.25 )

Soon! Tick season has arrived!

When it's sunny, the temperature rises sharply.、It's starting to feel like a refreshing early summer!
however、That pleasant season is over、The damp and humid rainy season is coming。
I think a lot of people don't like the rainy season.、Did you know that there are creatures that love this rainy season?

The rainy season is the season for mite breeding

Ticks have a temperature of 20-30 ° C.、When the humidity is 60% or more, development and reproduction are active.Because it will be、From June, when the rainy season begins, to July, when the midsummer sun continues, it can be said that it is a time of the year when mites tend to increase。
What are the measures against ticks during this period?、Humidity control is keyIt will be。
Try to reduce humidity by dehumidifying and ventilating.、Suppress tick activity。

Also、The temperature in the room is gradually getting higher、Some of you may be thinking about changing your futon clothes。

Well this time、I would like to talk about mite countermeasures and storage of recommended winter bedding


Mite control and storage of futons

I'm sure many of you know、Closets and closets that store futons require less air replacement.、The temperature and humidity tend to be high, making it a great breeding place for ticksare。So、Before storing the futon for a long time、It is important to take good measures against ticks。

First、We will take care of the futon and prepare it for storage。
At first、Sun-drying, futon dryer, etc.、I chose the drying method that suited the material and stayed in the futon.Let the moisture dissipate well。
next、Remove dead mites and house dust from the surface of the futon with a vacuum cleaner or futon cleaner。
And、I would like to recommend it for the finish.Just spraying has the effect of making it difficult to attract mites.Daniclinare。DaniclinAfter spraying、Dry in the shade。

When you have finished taking care of your futon、It will be stored in a breathable futon case such as non-woven fabric。
As I mentioned earlier,、Closets and closets, which are storage places, tend to accumulate moisture.、Let's take proper measures。
Lay a slatch under the futon case、Use a dehumidifier togetherand、Moisture is less likely to accumulate。
Also、Open the storage area regularly、It's also a good idea to create a flow of air。

Reliable Danicrin Series

The rainy season is the season of the year when the occurrence and reproduction of mites is most active.、Ticks are something that lurks around us throughout the year.、Even if it is not the rainy season, take measures regardless of the season.You will need。

You can easily take measures against ticks just by spraying.DaniclinOther、You can take measures against mites just by laying it under the futon or in the closet.Cariculin Antibacterial Sheet Antifungal Plusetc、Daniklin Series、Because it does not use insecticidal ingredients、You can use it safely in any place。
Not only for mites in the rainy season, but also for daily tick countermeasuresDaniclinWhy don't you try to incorporate。

As the rainy season approaches、A comfortable environment for people、Let's create an uncomfortable environment for ticks。

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