
【Recommended Product Information】Body Shower Towel

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We would like to introduce a "body shower towel" that can be wiped thoroughly with a large format in this season when the heat continues every day.。

When the temperature is high, not only sweat flows、Your body temperature may also rise and you may feel discomfort.。

At such a time, "body shower towel"、It is a reliable item that can easily wipe off sweat.。

If you use it chilled in the refrigerator、Coolness spreads all at once、Great refreshing effect!

On the way home or after cooking in the kitchen、Even when you are outdoors or in sports, it will come in handy if you put it in a cooler.。

It also prevents dryness after wiping the skin with urea.。

To spend the days of extreme heat comfortably、Please try the "Body Shower Towel"!